People served since inception
Pounds of food distributed last year.
Families housed last year.
Why Give to Lutheran Social Services of Nevada?
Lutheran Social Services of Nevada is made possible by investors like you. Your donation is not only generous but generative! It leaves an immediate impact and changes the lives of people that are most in need.
We have cared for over a half a million people over the last 25 years. Last fiscal year, we served 43,652 people with grocery assistance, housing, ID recovery, senior services, and other programs for the most vulnerable among us. During this period we received $427,796.36 in financial gifts, $1,147,400.64 in kind donations, and $2,508,961.18 in grant dollars. Your donations make up only about 11% of our overall budget so these gifts go a long way in being leveraged to serve needy people in our community. By giving $100, you can help us to care for and serve 9 people like Don and Judy (see their story below). This, and many families continue to be blessed because of your generosity. Thank you for being a stakeholder in this mission!
Naming or Sponsorship Opportunities
There are opportunities for permanent recognition on the JOURNEY Center donor wall, naming offices or other sponsoring other components related to the launch of our JOURNEY Senior Services Center.
Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors
What we do
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